Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Smartphone Photography, Using Your Smartphone to Take Glamorous Photos

If you want to compose great photos as you have seen on the Internet with the smartphone that you are using, please refer to the tips in the section below. In addition to the phone, you will also need to support some applications for it and even your creativity

1. Taken with plenty of light: To get the best pictures, you should take the photo with plenty of light. Small image sensor on smartphones need a lot of light so the best photos should be taken outdoors. In order to get more light, you should turn your back to the sunlight and let the light shine through your shoulders. If you're shooting indoors, turned your back to the door and turned the light on.
2. Image allocation: To take pictures, you not only need to know how to install properly, but also to know how to arrange photos in a professional manner. Keep the camera stable and stay balance, pay attention to behind the scene.
3. Set the camera icon on the main screen: it will be much easier when you want to quickly capture a moment.
4. Hold the phone when shooting: One reason for the blurred images is that the phone often hard to hold than a normal camera because it is lighter and thinner. Please hold your phone tightly, with two hands and elbows on your side to be able to hold the camera stable.
5. Setting: If your camera has the balance control brightness, then normally you just leave it in auto mode, but if your smartphone camera has color problems, reinstall the fluorescence mode optical daylight or twilight. But remember to turn back to auto mode when finished.
If the camera has ISO setting, turn off Auto. When you are outside and have the sun, you set ISO at the lowest value to minimize digital noise on your photos. In low light conditions, you go to the highest ISO value.
7. Extended dynamic range: some of the phones provide High Dynamic Range mode for the camera, the imaging technique benefit to take 3 pictures at the same time with 3 different stages: low light, normal picture and outstanding light photos.
If your phone has this mode, you can learn how to use it. This effect can combine multiple images to create a vivid picture.
8. Pay attention to the special effects: Most phones have very few tools for photo editing, so you should use an image editing application such as Photoshop.
10. Do not use digital zoom: The camera on your phone can not amplify the image by moving the lens. Instead, it has a digital zoom feature to the pixels up and insertion of fine detail. If you want bigger pictures, you should get closer to the object to be captured.
11. Updated software, new applications: One of the advantages of smartphones is that they can be upgraded by downloading software, new applications. So, always check the app store to download the program could improve the operation of the camera as well as the application can upgrade the photos that you take.

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