Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Reasons for Cropping Images in Photography

Cropping image is a simple but also an important step when post-processing the image. All image-processing software has cropping tool, allows you to crop or simply edges an image. Of course, not all photos need to be cropped; however, if a photo is cropped deliberately, it will create a strong impression of the visual and layout. If you are not completely convinced, take a look at the illustration below.

Use the crop tool in the image processing software.
To crop an image, you only need to open the image processing software (Photoshop or Lightroom) and select the crop tool. Position the crop tool in a corner of the image and drag the selected area of ​​the image you want to keep. Crop area will display the color darker or lighter, depending on the software you are using. 
Once you are happy with the new layout, click on the photo or click the Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS) to complete the process of cropping photos

2 things to remember when cropping photos
Always use a copy to crop the image. Some software automatically open and save your pictures in a file copy. If processing of the original image, the change of the image will not recover once you have saved the image. On the other hand, if keeping the original, you can use and implement the cropping processes image for the next time.
Pixels resolution will change when the image is cropped. If your photos are blurred due to lower resolution after the crop, then restore the image (undo) and select crop area less to keep a higher resolution.
You can choose a larger crop with high-resolution photos. You should keep this in mind when taking pictures and always make sure your camera is set to shoot at the highest resolution.

The reason for cropping photos
1. Improved layout
2. Create focus for photos
3. Cut off the excess elements
4. Zoom in a detailed impression
5. Change photo (horizontal / vertical)
6. Change picture ratio
     4:3 ratio is appropriate for the print size 5x4 "

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Capture Outstanding Motion Photos with Panning Technique

In photography, to capture an attractive and impressive image, people tend to suggest the idea to create the contrast in the image. It is possible that the contrast of content such as rich and poor, small and large, high and low, far and near, peace and the abyss or light contrast, highlights and shadows, or color contrast to emphasize the theme. There is another contrast that many people interested in, it's static and dynamic. To capture an image in static dynamic contrast style, there are many ways and many shooting situations, but the most popular way is using panning techniques. These techniques mean to snap a moving subject in an animation background and you can easily do this after few times of practice.

First, you need to set some parameters on your camera.

Shutter speed:
The basic of shooting Panning is to have a slow shutter speed, usually about 1/25 sec. When shooting with a slow shutter speed, the captured background was often blurred in the direction of motion.
During operation, you can focus on the subject and panning along with the subject, the subject will be visible on a blurred background.
On the camera, you can select the mode M or Tv/S to shoot. With M mode, you will have to adjust all the parameters such as shutter speed, aperture and ISO to get enough bright for the picture.
Tv mode / S is simple; you just need to pay attention the speed and keep your shutter speed to the lowest possible value.
Aperture problem in shooting panning is unimportant. At any aperture, the depth of field is no longer available because the theme is burred due to the action of panning.

Focus modes:
To ensure an image Panning with the subject focus on the blurry background, the right focus on the subject is very important.
On camera, you set the focus point in the middle as often moving subjects will in the middle of the image. Besides, the main focus in the middle is usually more accurate.
You can also use the continuous focus (AI Servo on Canon), allowing your camera to continuous focus on a moving subject.

Imaging techniques:
You need to choose an airy place, ensure that there is nothing will block your view on the subject; then, wait for the subject approaches and begin to press the shutter button halfway to start focusing on the subject.
Then remain parallel and start panning the subject smoothly, when you thing it is the right moment, press capture. However, after the shutter, you can continue panning the theme to ensure smooth motion.

You can set the camera in continuous shooting mode to ensure always catch every moment of the subject

The photos were taken by panning help viewers feel the movement of the subject in the photo, totally different from the pictures with higher shutter speed and capture motion of the subject.